As the Corona Virus has flipped the American society on it's head, every person and business owner is trying to adjust to the new norm. Every business has been upended as far as how their business normally ran. There are new guidelines and parameters put in place to try to stop the spread of this virus. Does this mean everyone is shut down and nothing is getting done? Absolutely not. Small business owners are finding new ways to operate under the new version of normal. A fair amount of people are able to work from home using their cell phones and laptops to conduct business as usual. Any … [Read more...] about Surviving the Virus 2020
Coaches: What are you teaching your athletes?
Being an individual in the fitness industry for the last 21 years, I have seen a fair share of athletes from 6 years old to professional athletes. It's interesting because I am seeing more and more coaches who are improperly educating their athletes. Coaches who are of the older generation are still doing the same techniques and drills that they were taught 40 years ago. This is mind-boggling because with all the information we now have at our fingertips, I cannot understand why coaches haven't started educating themselves on the new science and techniques that are available. I still hear … [Read more...] about Coaches: What are you teaching your athletes?
The New Year’s Resolution: Can you do it?
As we approach the end of the 2019 year, many people will start the first day of 2020 with some type of New Year's Resolution. Most of the population will set hypothetical resolutions such as work less, spend more time with family, and lose weight. The problem is that studies show that unless you write these goals down for the new year, most people will forget about and/or fade them from memory as the year progresses. Goals are require WORK and most people are not willing to sacrifice or put in the work because it's HARD to change behavioral habits. I have listed several steps that you … [Read more...] about The New Year’s Resolution: Can you do it?
What is the perfect client for us?
Female exercising with battle ropes at the gym with coach. Athlete doing battle rope workout at gym with trainer. Xcellerated Speed Training was developed to ensure that the youth of today have an educated, periodized training protocol that provides the desired results of speed, strength, and agility. It is our belief that every individual, be it youth or adult, should have the opportunity to learn the skills to allow them to perform at an elite level regardless of income level. Our staff is dedicated to providing the best results while maintaining affordability. We have been in the … [Read more...] about What is the perfect client for us?
Knee Pain: When do you decide on sugery?
Female Athlete Sitting On Ground And Taking Treatment For Knee Pain A fair amount of individuals go through most of their life not having any sort of physical ailments. At some point though, a person will experience an ailment that will become dibilitating. As we get older it doesn't take a whole lot to throw out your back or to start having knee pain. These sort of issues can arise doing simple tasks like getting out of a chair or grabbing a pair of socks on the floor. What most individuals do not realize is that most injuries are a build up of life, exercise, stress, and sleep. … [Read more...] about Knee Pain: When do you decide on sugery?
Changing Lives: Inspiration from Marcus Valeriano
Marcus came to Xcellerated Speed Training about 8 months ago. He had visited with his doctor and got some horrifying news. The doctor told him if he didn't change his lifestyle habits which included smoking and drinking that he would probably not live a whole lot longer. This is when he decided to make a phone call to Tony who he had worked with before as a high school student. Meet Marcus Valeriano The first step was to get Marcus in and take a look at his medical history form and figure out exactly what his problem areas were. We started with his consumption of calories on a daily … [Read more...] about Changing Lives: Inspiration from Marcus Valeriano
Injury Prevention for Athletes
Injury prevention for an athlete is key and should be one of the most important things a coach or personal trainer should focuses on. Many coaches work on the conditioning side of training for their athletes, however most do not understand proper training protocol. Over the years, I have heard a variety of mottos from various coaches of different sports. Some coaches will say things like, "We will not stop running until someone pukes today". The problem with this thought process is any moron can overtrain or run an athlete into the ground. It does not mean that this type of conditioning is … [Read more...] about Injury Prevention for Athletes
Nutrition: The Key to Being a Successful Athlete
One of the first things I hear when someone enters into the Xcellerated Speed Training Program is that the individual wants to be an elite athlete with their training protocol. Nutrition should be an athlete's main focus when trying to take their game to the next level. Typically, a client will run through all the various forms of exercise they are currently performing. They will spell out each detail of what happens on each day and how many sets, exercises, reps, etc.They will spend so much time and energy focusing on things like how much they can lift and so forth, yet they will neglect what … [Read more...] about Nutrition: The Key to Being a Successful Athlete