If you are a woman who wants to lose those extra pounds you might have gained during childbirth, college or by poor nutritional habits, Xcellerated Speed Training can help.
Top Five Misconceptions about Nutrition and Strength Training for Women
Misconception No. 5:
If I do crunches everyday I can lose the belly I got from either childbirth or poor nutritional habits.Doing crunches everyday will not enhance your stomach the way that you would like it to. It is impossible to spot reduce or be site specific when reducing body fat. The key to a flatter stomach is a combination of proper nutrition, cardiovascular exercise and strength training regimen.
Misconception No. 4
I will lose weight by following this new fad diet because that it what it is advertised to do.
The term diet implies that you are only going to follow the protocol until you shed the weight and then go back to your old nutritional habits. The only way to lose weight and keep it off is to consume a balance of protein, fats and carbohydrates. You will not lose weight and keep it off without including all three in your daily nutritional protocol.
Misconception No. 3
It is reasonable to expect to lose a lot of weight in two weeks to four weeks.
You did not gain the weight overnight and you will not lose it overnight either. A slow gradual weight loss is the safest and most effective way to lose weight for the following reasons:1. Allows the body to adapt to your new lifestyle change
2. Gives skin time to gradually respond to the weight loss without having cosmetic surgery
3. Supports your lifestyle change that eliminates a yo-yo effect to weight loss
Misconception No. 2
I can lose weight by starving myself.
The body requires nutrients to function properly. By depriving the body of nutrients, it stores more fat and utilizes lean muscle tissue as an energy source..
Misconception No. 1
I will only bulk up by lifting, so I won’t do it.
It is impossible for a woman to bulk up and look like a man unless she is using steroids. A woman may develop a stocky build from strength training if she does not know what repetitions she should be using to maximize her effectiveness in the gym. A female can be lean and tone with the help of a great strength training program.
We combine speed and agility training, strength training and nutritional conditioning to help you meet your fitness goals regardless of your budget. For personal attention with proven results, call Xcellerated Speed Training.
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