Working out with a significant other can be an incredibly beneficial and enjoyable experience. Not only does it provide an opportunity to spend quality time together, but it can also help to strengthen your relationship and improve your overall health and well-being. In this article, we will explore some of the key benefits of working out with a significant other and provide some tips on how to get started. 1. Motivation and Accountability One of the biggest benefits of working out with a significant other is the motivation and accountability it provides. When you have a workout partner, … [Read more...] about Valentine’s Day Special Working out with your Signifcant other
How to Fix Low back pain
If you are like most aging individuals, you might notice that your body has started having some aches and pains. One of the most common is low back pain. The reasons for this are many, it could be from sitting at a desk all day. It could also be from standing on your feet for a number of hours. You might have just bent over to pick up your socks and your back has gone out. The pain caused by such issues can be excruciating and make moving about rather difficult. The most common issues related to low back pain are tight hamstrings, poor abdominal strength, and misfiring glutes. People who … [Read more...] about How to Fix Low back pain
Ways to Make an Athlete Slower
As an individual who has been in the fitness industry for 25 years, I have seen my fair share of athletes ranging in age from 6 to 25. My athletes have come from all different backgrounds and various levels of college. I have seen high school athletes from all over the state of Pennsylvania, each individual playing every sport that is imaginable. The coaches for these athletes have been both good and bad all with different types of training protocols. In my industry, there is a lot of false propaganda as far as the latest and greatest training protocols. Every year someone has something … [Read more...] about Ways to Make an Athlete Slower
On-season vs. Off-season training protocols
Many athletes go throughout their career with a variety of training protocols. This is both good and bad as there are many philosophies as to proper conditioning. There are two types of training in-season and off-season. They should be different in how they approach developing the athlete through both phases of the season. I have been in the fitness industry for 24 years and have worked with young athletes all the way through professional athletes. I am going to share my thoughts on the best strategies I have seen in my career. On-season training protocol involves the athlete being in the … [Read more...] about On-season vs. Off-season training protocols
Athlete performance is related to proper nutrition.
The phrase bigger, faster, and stronger is one that I hear repeatedly from coaches, athletes, and parents alike. They all want the same thing for their athletes which is to possess all of those characteristics. The problem is that most people focus on strength training, speed and agility training, and sport specific training. No one wants to talk about what you eat before practice or a game. It is easy to overlook the single most important aspect of training is nutrition. If you don't have proper nutrition, it doesn't matter what you do from a training standpoint because proper fuel is … [Read more...] about Athlete performance is related to proper nutrition.
Is your athlete pigeon toed?
In the recent months, I have noticed more and more athletes who have running mechanic issues. One of the more prevalent issues is being pigeon toed. The term pigeon toed refers to an athlete that points their toes inward while standing, walking, or running. It is possible that a young athlete can grow out of this phase, however there are a few things that can be done to help correct the issue. One way to help with correction is to have the athlete walk heel to toe trying to keep their foot straight instead of turned inward. This can be done as a drill and should be reinforced daily as they … [Read more...] about Is your athlete pigeon toed?
What’s your excuse?
We live in a busy society in which many individuals have to juggle a variety of balls in their life. Adulting is a lot harder than most people realize when growing up. When your a child, typically you have to worry about school, sports, and your social life. As an adult, you have to worry about your job, family, bills, health insurance, investments, chores, house maintenance, your health, and somewhere in there have time for a small social life. Any one of these things can disrupt your daily agenda of what you had planned to get accomplished that day. We often take on too many things and then … [Read more...] about What’s your excuse?
Shin Splints: The Athlete Killer
Female Athlete Sitting On Ground And Taking Treatment For Knee Pain During the course of a season there are many things that can cause the downfall of a team, injuries tend to be the most problematic. One of the most prevalent injuries that occurs are shin splints. The definition of shin splints is acute pain in the shin and lower leg caused by prolonged running, typically on hard surfaces. This type of injury can sideline an athlete for weeks if not treated properly. What is the treatment for shin splints? Most physicians and/or PT's will say that rest is the only cure. This is only … [Read more...] about Shin Splints: The Athlete Killer